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The Next Step in Your Dealership’s Call Handling Journey

Automotive dealers can learn how to train their salespeople to build trust during the first call with customers by registering for the final installment of our automotive webinar series, going live May 4th at 10:30AM PT/1:30PM ET. Our auto experts Anne-Marie Anderson, Marchex’s Senior Automotive Market Analyst, and Chris Spensley, our Senior Director of Automotive, […]

How to delight your high-intent customers and find more of them

For companies who do business over the phone, the goal of marketing is clear: drive more phone calls. The good news is, consumers typically choose the easiest path to purchase. Click-to-call ads are convenient, and nearly everyone carries a phone. Even better news, research shows that customers who call are typically high-intent customers with a […]


Use Session-Based DNI to Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Session-based dynamic number insertion, or DNI, is a call tracking tool that helps marketing teams link phone conversations to the online sources that drove them.  What Does DNI Track?  Session-based DNI is a key component of call tracking solutions that allows you to see which actions lead a customer to call your business. The tool […]

Tracking Sales Conversions with Calls

A phone call can have many outcomes and sometimes the result isn’t always the one we’d like.​ When tracking calls, it’s important to distinguish between unwanted calls and those that result in a conversion. A conversion is a desired outcome defined as valuable to your business. In many cases it means a sale took place, or an appointment was […]

Marchex Wins APPEALIE Overall SaaS Award

We’re excited to share the news that Marchex has been selected as the Overall SaaS Award winner in the Analytics + Business Intelligence Category of the 2021 APPEALIE SaaS Awards. Marchex won the award based on its conversation intelligence platform and Sales Engagement product suite. The APPEALIE SaaS Award winners were selected using Net Promoter […]

The Difference Between SMS and Mobile Marketing

Thanks to the resounding popularity of smartphones and other mobile devices such as tablets, marketers have found ways to integrate SMS marketing and mobile marketing into the fold of digital marketing campaign strategies. Although both SMS and mobile marketing can be viable tools for your business, it’s important to know what distinguishes one engagement tactic […]

2020 Edison Award for Marchex Conversational AI and What It Means for Your Business in an Uncertain Market

With events changing daily, we understand how important it is for our customers to understand what’s happening within their business and their customer interactions. Conversational Artificial Intelligence can offer critical insights in real time to businesses across their locations just when they can utilize them most. We also know that our customers need solutions to […]

Marchex wins MarTech Breakthrough and “The Sammy” Awards

It’s always encouraging when industry-leading technology is aptly recognized, and this past year has been an eventful one for research and development in conversation intelligence. Marchex has been on the ground releasing and updating cutting-edge marketing solutions throughout 2020 and 2021, and we’re excited to announce that two of our major solutions – Marchex Engage […]

How to make your agency indispensable

Tools and techniques to increase your value and prove it. Adding and proving value for clients for your agency has never been more important as the pandemic has caused advertising budgets around the world to freeze. As an agency marketer, you know it’s important to tie your services back to what really matters – sales. […]

Identify customer intent

Identifying your Buyer’s Goal with Customer Intent

Marketing and selling today are about leveraging information. Customers enter their buying journey assuming their preferred vendor will know what they want, where, and why. But, they can also switch vendors in the time it takes for a phone to ring. Sales has sped up; in order to close, sellers need to jump on each […]

Business text messaging

Top 5 Business Texting Trends

As customer communication channels evolve, many businesses seek to implement intuitive, easy, and engaging communication strategies. As 2020 brought a myriad of lifestyle changes, the ways customers wanted and expected to connect with businesses also changed. Businesses that chose to adapt during a time of immense uncertainty ultimately grew closer with their customers and communities. […]

Artificial Intelligence, jobs and the Pareto Principle

What approach should companies take to successfully implement AI solutions into everyday operations? One school of thought applies the Pareto Principle or what is often referred to as the 80/20 rule. It’s often thought of as 20 percent of your work is what drives the majority of the results, and the other 80 percent isn’t […]

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