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Break through the noise with SMS marketing

One of the most challenging aspects of marketing in 2022 is staying fresh and current. The customer journey changes with the development of technology like deal-saving alerts and automated sales processes. The informed marketer’s responsibility is to know what channels their customer base prefers – and can be reached on – and to optimize their […]


Prepare Your Team for Electric Vehicle (EV) Phone Calls

The automotive industry is heavily investing in electric vehicles (EVs). Consumers are showing curiosity and excitement, but also raising questions and concerns. Dealerships are at the forefront and must adapt quickly.  Last year, over one million EVs were sold in the US, marking a 9% year-over-year increase. * Despite a slowdown in consumer adoption rates–and dealerships […]

Zipwhip migration

How to migrate your Zipwhip data effortlessly

There’s no doubt that texting is becoming an important communication channel for many businesses. With a robust texting platform, you can efficiently and effectively connect with customers via text, but, if you’re currently using Zipwhip as a texting solution, you’ve likely heard that Twilio is permanently shutting down Zipwhip on December 1, 2022. The good […]


3 Ways Auto Repair and Service Providers Can Win in Today’s Marketplace

In today’s dynamic auto service landscape where fluctuating gas prices, evolving consumer behaviors, and the surge of electric vehicles dominate headlines, seizing every revenue-generating opportunity is vital.   Marchex understands how critical it is to connect customers across marketing, service, and operations to address their most pressing needs. And, let’s face it, customers have a lot of […]


Home Services at Marchex — A Year in Review

As we conclude 2023, let’s review the dynamic changes of the home services industry.  From technological advancements to changing consumer preferences, the industry continues to experience significant transformations. In this year-in-review, we explore key trends and how Marchex has proactively engaged and responded in helping the home services industry navigate through these transformations.   Analytics and […]

How Texts improve re-engagment

How text communication can help improve re-engagement rates

Communication between businesses and consumers has changed drastically over the past few years. Businesses of all sizes often support multiple channels of communication with their consumers. A study done by Ruppel and Burke found there are a lot of situations where various communication channels or methods can complement one another. They highlighted that some combinations […]


5 Signs Your Dealership Has a Call Handling Problem, and How to Address It

In today’s fiercely competitive and ever-changing automotive market, you cannot afford to let valuable phone sales slip through the cracks. But before you can fix these issues, you need to understand what’s happening and where any breakdowns might be occurring. Marchex understands that phone calls are where the most important car buying decisions are likely to […]

Engage Job Applicants More Effectively with Business SMS

The great resignation is real, and it doesn’t appear to be slowing down. 4.3 million people quit their jobs in January 2022 alone. Whether you are a staffing firm, employment agency, or an in-house recruiter, you are faced with the challenge of staffing qualified employees in this new competitive landscape. We’ve found that, when used […]

4 Key Benefits of Marchex Marketing Edge GA4 Integration

Effective July 1, 2023, Google says goodbye to Universal Analytics (UA) and makes way for Google Analytics 4 (GA4), the next iteration of digital analytics which tracks both web and app activity.    To help marketers and businesses meet the customer journey opportunities in front of them, Marchex today introduces the general availability of its GA4 […]

Marketing Attribution for Phone Calls – Part 2 of a 3-part series

In this installment of our 3-part series on gaining marketing attribution from phone calls, we focus on gaining insights at the channel level. This is a typical entry strategy for a lot of businesses implementing call tracking. In part 1, we focused on campaign-level tracking: Using a single call tracking number (CTN) across your channels […]

Conversation Intelligence at the Auto Dealership

One of the most glaring obstacles dealers face in today’s automotive market is the lack of visibility of what occurs during sales conversations with customers. Three primary issues may arise because of this blind spot: operational issues remain unsolved, essential information provided by buyers isn’t captured, and overall customer satisfaction suffers. All scenarios could lead […]

Reduce Unanswered Calls

One way calls can fail at dealerships is when the representative fails to pick up the phone. Calls can go unanswered for a variety of reasons including issues with the phone system, calls incorrectly routing, or inadequate staffing. Luckily, there are several easy, practical fixes you can make to reduce the rate of unanswered calls.   […]

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